What is Maineiac Manor?
Prepare to be fully engulfed in a world of terror and suspense! As you step into the dark unknown, your senses will be bombarded with eerie sights, bone-chilling sounds, and hair-raising encounters. The meticulously designed sets and realistic props create an atmosphere of fear and excitement, making you feel like you’re in the heart of a haunted tale. As you wander through the haunted halls, you’ll encounter ghostly apparitions, creepy creatures, and unexpected scares that will keep you in suspense and anticipation. Your heart will race with each spine-tingling moment, leaving you fully engrossed in the thrilling adventure unfolding before you. The immersive experience will have you gripping every moment, ensuring that the excitement and fear stay with you long after you leave Maineiac Manor!
When will you open again?
Saturday, November 2nd for Into the Dark
Can I just show up and buy a ticket at the door?
Yes, in addition to the option of purchasing them online, you can purchase tickets at the door via cash, card and contactless payments.
Do you operate in inclement weather?
Yes! We are 100% inside at the Bangor Mall. No matter the weather outside, we are warm and dry.

How scary is it? Is it okay for young children?
Maineiac Manor does not have a minimum age requirement. It is solely at the discretion of the parent for their child to attend, as every parent knows their child best.
Do you charge for parking?
No. We are located at the Bangor Mall. Parking is available and free.
How do I get there?
If you know where the Bangor Mall is, you’re already ahead of the game! If not, just slap this address into your GPS: 663 Stillwater Ave, Bangor, ME 04401. Once you’ve arrived, go inside and search for the storefront that looks dark and foreboding. That’s us! We’re directly across from Spencer Gift in the JC Penney wing of the mall.
How long does it take to go through?
The time it takes for you to get through Maineiac Manor depends on how you choose to experience it. If you walk slowly, stop to explore everything, and interact with actors, it will take longer. On the other hand, if you move quickly and don’t linger, you can finish faster. The size of your group and how you react to scares also play a part. Remember, the goal is to have fun and enjoy the spooky adventure at your own pace!
Can I take pictures or video?
Nope! It is absolutely forbidden to take pictures or videos inside the haunt, as it angers the resident spirits and makes them a bit… more vengeful than usual. And yes, we can absolutely tell when people are trying to do so, it’s very obvious. We also don’t allow flashlights inside the haunt, as it tends to ruin the atmosphere we’re creating (especially if you shine it directly in the faces of the actors)!
Will the actors touch me?
We have a basic rule at Maineiac Manor. “Don’t touch us and maybe we will spare you.” Wait, that’s not right… “touch nothing and nothing will touch you”. Please note that this rule applies to the sets and props you’ll see in the manor, as the resident spirits are very protective of their belongings.
However, we are bringing back our popular $2 glow necklaces for those that are brave enough to experience the full-on scare. These glow necklaces allow the creatures to see you better and the undead to reach out and grab you!
Is the attraction ADA accessible?
Maineiac Manor has been designed to be ADA accessible, with measures in place to accommodate individuals with disabilities. This ensures that everyone, regardless of their mobility, can fully engage and enjoy our haunted attraction without facing any obstacles. We prioritize your comfort and convenience.
How do I volunteer?
What’s better than getting the crap scared out of you? Scaring the crap out of other people! And if you aren’t a fan of scary things, why not be the scary thing?? It’s a blast! Please, fill out our contact form here to become a part of our team this season!